Fire Service for the township is provided by Nelson Fire Department, Osceola Fire Department and Tioga Fire Department.
Ambulance service is provided by Nelson Fire Department.
In the event of a local emergency or disaster Farmington Township officials and Nelson Township officials have coordinated to provide shelter for Farmington Township residents at the Nelson Community Building in Nelson Township located at 105 Village Drive in Nelson off Bliss Road.
Contact the Township Secretary/Treasurer at 570-827-3016 first for an Assessment Change Permit Application – Cost is $4.00.
All commercial construction requires a Township Permit, a Building Permit from Erb Inspections and may require permits from Tioga County.
Any structure, such as a storage shed or detached garage, less than 1,000 square feet in size that is not attached to a residence and does not have electricity only requires a $4.00 Township Permit.
Effective February 6, 2018 we have contracted with Erb Inspections, Inc. for Building Codes Enforcement.
Contact Erb Inspections at 570-827-3474 for any other issues related to any construction – buildings/decks/fences/above and in-ground pools etc.
Below are application forms, a fee schedule and other information.
Fillable forms are also available on www.erbinspections.com.
Erb Applicant Certification
Erb Commercial Application
Erb Fee Schedule
Erb Inspections Information
Erb Permit Appeal
Erb Recreational Cabin
Erb Residential Application
Erb Right To Know
Erb Swimming Pools
Demolition of any structure may require a permit. Anyone considering demolition should contact the Pennsylvania DEP Waste Management office at 570-327-0517 or write to them at:
Department of Environmental Protection | Waste Management
North Central Regional Office
208 West Third Street Suite 101
Williamsport PA 17701
Erb Inspections should also be contacted for guidance and permits at their number above.
Failure to obtain the required permits may have an adverse effect on any tax reductions for removing a structure.
The Township has adopted Tioga County’s Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO). All plans for a subdivision or land development must be presented at a Township meeting prior to submission to the Tioga County Planning Department.
Although the Township has not adopted a zoning ordinance Tioga County’s SALDO contains building requirements relevant to zoning such as Setbacks. The Township Setback from Township roads for houses, sheds, fences, trees, plants and bushes is 30 feet from the center line of the road. Check with PennDOT for their requirements on Tannery Hill, Cummings Creek and Elkhorn roads.
If your driveway will enter onto a Township road you will need to contact the Township’s Roadmaster at 570-827-2584 to coordinate placement and the need if any for a sluice pipe at the end of the driveway.
If your driveway will enter onto a PennDOT owned (state) road you will need to contact Mark Inman from PennDOT Permits at 570-659-5886 for the necessary permits and guidance.
All properties should have a blue or green address number sign at the end of their driveway, in addition to the address on your mailbox, which can be seen by emergency services vehicles from both directions – especially at night – mailboxes are not always near your driveway. Please make sure mailboxes are secure as the Township is not responsible for snow hitting them during road plowing.
What is a 911 Address?
A 911 Address is a street number assigned to and displayed on or near an addressable structure, in accordance with Tioga County 911 Standards and Protocols and local municipal ordinances. Street numbers are in place for your safety so that emergency responders can find locations quicker in the event of an emergency.
Who has to have an 911 Address?
All addressable structures must have a 911 Address assigned by the Tioga County Department of Emergency Services, regardless of the type of structure (i.e., residential vs. commercial vs. industrial).
An addressable structure is defined as…
…a permanent structures with living or business space must be addressed for 911 Addressing Standards in Tioga County. This includes houses, camps, trailers (single and double wide), apartments, office buildings, gas wells, compression sites, commercial buildings and retail locations. Outbuildings such as sheds, pole barns, and garages need not be addressed, but can be if requested by the property owner.
When should I get a 911 Address?
For new buildings, a 911 Address should be requested and assigned to a structure PRIOR to the beginning of construction. If you do not have an address, you will not be able to secure the proper utilities that are required for homeownership and or building protocols.
For existing structures, a 911 Address should be requested in the rare event that you do not have one, you would like one for a seasonal camp/cabin, or if you are not sure of the exact 911 Number.
Where do I get a 911 Address?
The Tioga County Department of Emergency Services 911 Addressing Technician is the only entity that can provide a 911 Address. This office works closely with post offices, municipal offices, and the 911 Dispatch Center to ensure that they are aware of new addresses/address changes.
The person requesting the address is responsible for all corresponding and personal address changes that need to be made.
911 Addresses cannot be created through a local municipality, State Department of Transportation, the United States Postal Service (USPS) or any other entity.
How do I get an 911 Address?
A 911 Address in Tioga County can only be assigned by the 911 Addressing Technician.
STEP 1 – Identify the location that needs an address.
-For further information, please see “When should I get a 911 Address?” above.
STEP 2 – Complete a 911 Address Application and submit to the Tioga County Department of Emergency Services by mail (99 William Farrell Drive, Wellsboro, PA 16901), email (tdodge@tiogacountypa.us) or fax (570-724-6819).
STEP 3 – 911 Addressing Technician will review and assign a 911 Address.
-Per Tioga County Mapping and Emergency Services standards, each township has a designation of how many addresses can go on a section of roadway. Dependent on where your access road/driveway meets the road the new addressable structure is located on is how the configuration of numbers is used throughout the county. Only the Addressing Office can assign this number.
STEP 4 – You will receive confirmation of your 911 Address with phone call from our office, and a written Address Verification letter sent via mail (to your current mailing address) or email.
STEP 5 – You must post a 911 Address Sign displaying your address according to local ordinance.
-More information can be found in the “What is a 911 Address?” section.
STEP 6 – You may begin using your new 911 Address.
How much does a 911 Address cost?
Applying for and receiving an address is free of charge. The only cost will be for the purchase of a Blue Reflective 911 Sign, which can be ordered through by following the “How do I get an address sign?” section.
What is an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)
There are many different ways to display a 911 address, however every municipality in Tioga County has signed an ordinance requiring that:
Who has to have an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)
Any structure in Tioga County with a 911 Address assigned to it must also have a 911 Address sign displayed on or near the addressable structure so that the sign is visible from the roadway. A countywide standard suggests a blue metal sign with white reflective letters.
When do I need an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)
As soon as an address is assigned to a structure, an address sign needs to be posted on or near the building so that it is visible from the roadway. This is due to local ordinance.
If your previous sign has been lost/stolen or has been damaged, you should request a new one as soon as possible.
Where do I get an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)
The Tioga County Department of Emergency Services maintains a small inventory of Blue Reflective 911 address signs and letters/numbers at all times.
In order to purchase a sign, please submit a completed Address Sign Order Form the Department of Emergency Services.
Other Potential locations to purchase 911 address signs are:
· Middlebury Fire Station (570-376-3831)
· Wellsboro Fire Annex
· Some Building Supply stores (reflective sticker numbers).
How do I get an address sign? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)
To order, call the Tioga County 911 Addressing Technician at (570) 723-8108 or (570) 724-9110.
In order to purchase a sign, please submit a completed Address Sign Order Form to the Department of Emergency Services.
For further information on what type of sign is required, please refer to your municipality’s 911 Addressing Ordinance.
How much does an address sign cost? (Blue Reflective 911 Sign)
Regularly-sized signs are available for as little as $10 (one-sided) and up to $12 (two-sided).
Can I change my road name?
Municipality Roads/State Routes
-Residents may not change the names of municipality roads or state routes (This must be requested by the Municipality Board of Supervisors or the State Department of Transportation).
Private Lanes
-Private Lane name changes can be requested by property owners, township officials, and county affiliates. To do so, submit a completed Private Lane Name Application to the Tioga County Department of Emergency Services.
Please Note – The creation or changing of a Private Lane name must be approved by any Municipalities in which it resides, and recorded with the Tioga County Register and Recorders Office. ALL ADDRESSES ON THE LANE WILL NEED TO CHANGE in order to correlate with the new lane name. This process can take up to 8-10 weeks to finalize.
Provided through private wells.
Prior to any construction of a primary residence or seasonal residence you must contact our sewage enforcement agency – Ridgerunner S.E.O.S., Inc. – at 814-258-0301 or 607-743-6681 to arrange for a site visit to determine available locations for primary and secondary sites for a septic system. Email address: ridgerunnerseoinc@yahoo.com.
Provided by one of two sources depending on your location in the Township – Wellsboro Electric – at 570-724-3516 or – Tri County Electric Cooperative – at 570-662-2175.
Landline service is provided by one of two sources depending on your location in the Township – Frontier Communications – at 877-832-3493 or – Verizon – at 800-483-6697.
Currently not available in the township.
Household garbage collection is not provided by the Township.
Each resident is responsible for their own household garbage disposal through any of the private companies that provide the service.
Annually in June the Township holds a Clean-Up Day at the Township building for disposal of trash other than household garbage.
Property and School taxes are not collected by the Township Secretary/Treasurer.
Property taxes are collected by the Township Tax Collector (currently Ursula Werner – phone 570-827-2133).
School taxes are collected by the school system – phone 814-258-5644 ext. 1021.
School taxes can be paid at any branch of Citizens and Northern Bank or mailed to the address on the tax statement.
Any questions about taxes should be directed to the respective tax collectors.
Current Farmington Township tax rate is 2.5131 mills.
Current Estimated NTSD tax rate is 9.3553 mills.
Current Tioga County tax rate is 3.32 mills.
All Township roads have a 10 ton weight limit. Any use of the Township roads that is in excess of 10 tons requires a permit from the Township and Permit Fee of $15.00.
A permit and fee are also required for vehicles which are overlength, over-width and overweight.
A permit is required for any logging which requires use of Township roads for transport regardless of weight. A Permit Fee of $2,000.00 per mile (checks only – no bonds), which will be returned if there is no road damage, is also required.
Prior to construction of a pond you must contact the following agencies or you could face the possibility of fines or jail:
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Tioga County Conservation District
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program
4 wheelers – are not allowed on township roads.
The Township has posted a 35MPH speed limit on State Road, Thornbottom Road and Pleasant Valley Road for safety.
Residents and visitors driving through the Township are asked to respect Township residents whose homes are close to the road by slowing down to alleviate road dust and for the safety of children and pets.